Curated by Diana Sykes for Fife Contemporary Art and Craft, Making Spaces occupied the MAC Mobile Museum from April – December 2008. During the exhibition 5 artists were invited to take up residence in a section of the gallery, presenting work and leading workshops as the museum toured around Fife. Making Spaces explored the place and process of making art from a variety of different perspectives and approaches. I presented research material and work in progress developed during The SAC Covepark Crafts residency 2008. Fellow artists in residence were Malcolm Cruickshank, Jenny Smith, Kevin Reid and Elspeth Lamb. For further information see Covepark Residency
- MAC Mobile Museum. Photography: Artists Own
- Exhibition Space. Photography: Artists Own
- Workshops in progress. Photography: Artists Own
- Workshops in progress. Photography: Artists Own
- Workshops in progress. Photography: Artists Own
- Workshops in progress. Photography: Artists Own
- Collage made during a workshop
- Collage made during a workshop
- Collage made during a workshop
- Collage made during a workshop
- Collage made during a workshop